We first see a few iconic images in this poster, firstly, James Bond (Daniel Craig, who is a very successful actor and has been in many other top rated films) holding a gun, whilst in a tuxedo, this shows that he's sophisticated, but mysterious and dangerous. We also see the Aston Martin, this portrays about being British, as in every Bond film, the agent's car is always an Aston Martin, but it does protray being British as this car is made in Britian. We also see in the background one of London's iconic buildings which is 'Big Ben' on the Houses of Parliment, this also portrays being British, this iconic landmark also portrays the films background of being British.
The shot type being used is a long shot, this gives the effect of getting all of the background and not just the character. This means that with this shot, we can not only just see the main character which is James Bond but it shows thst the background has more of role in the film as it shows that its the landmark of which the film is set.
The colour of the poster is in a silvery/ Black and white setting to it. This could portray the past of James Bond, meaning that all the other posters of James Bond are in colour. The colour of the poster could also link in with the Aston Martin car, meaning that the number plate and the car is also old fashioned, this means that this could be Bond's first mission being James Bond. The only part of the poster that has colour is the 007 with the gun, which is in gold. The 007 with the gun is a selling point as it is the only part of the poster in a different colour, this could be that it wasnts to attract the audience as they want the audience to know that it is a bond film. The gold shows higher class as gold is a wealthy colour. The 007 with the gun blended into the 7 portrays that it is an action film bringing out the reason of being dangerous.
The font of the title is very bland but unique, meaning that it is just a basic font but it stands out like all the rest of the poster, as it being in a silvery colour, it blends in well with the poster.
The Unique selling points of this film as it uses a few iconic images and uses a high rated actor, being Daniel Craig, who has starred in other films such as The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and other James Bond films. Bringing in a British actor portays that this is a British film. Another selling point is the 007 sign, this being showing the link between James Bond, if other people dont know who he is, also it is his agent sign, that everybody knows who 007 is. We also see that Daniel Craig (James Bond) is holding a gun, but not pointing it at anything. This means that without thinking, we see that this film is going to be an action film, meaning that there will be faced paced action and danger. Also the Aston Martin links in as in every bond film, he has an Aston Martin, linking in with the Bond Fanchise, bringing in a bigger target audience. Another point is the iconic London landmark Big Ben this being that it is well known around Britian and the world, as loads of people want to see this landmark.
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