This Is the End is a 2013 American horror comedy film written and directed by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, and starring Rogen, James Franco, Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, and Craig Robinson as fictional versions of themselves in the aftermath of a global apocalypse. The film was released on June 12, 2013 and received positive reviews from film critics.
Unique Selling Points
- One of the unique selling points of this film is the collaborations in previous film such as Seth Rogan and James Franco being in the successful Comedy: Pineapple Express. Also Seth Rogan has Co-writen other films that have starred actors such a Jonah Hill. Those two have worked together in the film Superbad which is another successful comedy. Seth Rogan is a unique selling point himself as he is a well known directer/actor/comedy writer and is known worldwide as he has written and directed other films such as; Pineapple Express and Superbad.
- There is also other collaborations from other actors, such as bringing cameo's from other actors/actress's such as Emma Watson (who is very famous for being Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series), a collaboration of Channing Tatum being in the film with Jonah Hill who both have been in films together, the most well known is being in 21 Jump Street which was another successful comedy. Also stars the world famous singer/actress Rihanna, which will bring in a huge target audience as her fans would like to see Rihanna in action in a film.
- So the use of highly rated comedy actors/actress's will bring in a huge target audience as they would've seen their past films and would want to go see this one.
- This plot centres around a party that every high rated actor/actress, singers etc. and is set around the party round James Franco's house in the Hollywood Hills, suddenly, out of no where, the apocalyspe strikes.
- The characters barricade themselves inside the house, where they're hoping for survival. Outside we see there is everything there would be for an apocalyspe, with rivers of fire, Jurassic monsters, also a 20ft (6m) Devil waiting outside to devour them.
- Inside the Hollywood mansion, on top of cabin fever, Emma Watson is roaming around with an Axe in her hand, trying to find them, whilst McBride starts eating all their supplies which they need for them to survive the apocalypse.
- McBride then tries to kill everyone as he is sent outside to try and get to the cellar where there is more food and water being kept, as Emma Watson runs off with the water in need of survival. McBride then gets lost and the others evict him. McBride then tries to kill everyone with a gun, but his plan failed as the gun was just a prop. Emma Watson adds a comic value when she appears in the film with an axe, this reverses her stereotype in the media, from her being in Harry Potter and being a genuis and a middle class english girl, to a girl who is fighting to save her life, threatening people with an axe, showing she is dangerous.
- The rapture then happens, which this is when rays of light from 'Heaven' comes and takes the good people up to heaven.
The subgenre of this film is it being a Horror/Comedy/Fantasy.
- In this film, all the actors and actress's act as themselves, mocking their recent films, their lives and each other, demonstrating that they all have sins. This links with genre of being a comedy as they're mocking their previous films that were unsucessful and then joking around with it. But also that this film is also a horror as it links with the apocalpyse, as people being killed, monsters coming out of no where and paranormal activities are happening. Everyone is playing as a warped version of themselves, as what you would see themin public or in a completely different image.
- You see the group of actors arguing over who eats the Milky way, which is promoting the snack, this is also mocking the celebrities demands whilst filming. This is also mocking the celebrities as they're just arguing over the simplest of things, about who has the Milky way. This adds comical humour when they're fighting over the Milky way, as this engages the audience into the film.
- The Mise-en-Scene of the film is set in the Hollywood Hills, where all the big stars and actors live, this is to show wealth. The Hollywood Hills show a symbolic code of welath and that it relates to the target audience when it appears in the movie, this is because it is an iconic image of America and people instantly know where it is.
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